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Stamford American International School


Stamford American International School is the first school in Singapore to offer American education courses and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses at the same time. It provides education for students aged 2-18. It is one of the world-renowned international schools.


Teaching Environment and Teaching Staff

Singapore Stamford American International School covers an area of about 53,000 square meters. It is the highest education project investment in the Asia-Pacific region, and its teaching environment is evident. The facilities include a performance theater, swimming pool, indoor gymnasium, dance studio, and golf center with computer analysis functions. 

Stamford American has an outstanding faculty with a tremendous experience base and qualifications. All Stamford American teachers from 10 different countries are trained in the IB programs and constantly share ideas, teaching resources, and strategies with their grade-level colleagues. 


Stamford American has set up courses with different degrees and different emphases for students of different ages. Inquiry-based learning that encourages students to have two-way interaction with the teachers will be conducted to improve learning effects; at the same time, it also provides second language courses to meet the needs of student groups. Spanish or Chinese classes are compulsory courses for the students everyday. 

School Management

Stamford American has Singapore's first fully computerized pick-up system whereby the parents must scan the electronic card to confirm their identity when picking up their children. It aims to prevent their children from being picked up by strangers. Therefore, parents of young students do not need to worry much about the safety of their children. In addition, the school provides an electronic wristband for each student for identity authentication purposes. Students can use the wristband to make payments within the campus area. After purchasing food in the cafeteria, students only need to scan the wristband to pay without cash transactions.

How to Apply - Stamford American School

  1. Consult our experts ----- choose schools and majors.

  2. Online registration ----- Fill out the registration form and submit it to us.

  3. Material preparation ----- such as photos, passports, birth certificates, education certificates, deposit certificates, parents' work certificates, etc. (Please request the material samples from us in order to ensure accuracy)

  4. Admission application ----- Submit the materials to the selected school.

  5. Applying for a student pass ----- We recruit directly on behalf of the international school and guarantee 100% student approval.

  6. Student pass approval ----- After the student pass is approved, get ready for school enrollment!

  7. School registration ----- After arriving in Singapore, report to the school on the designated date and apply for study abroad procedures.

If you have any questions about the steps of studying abroad, please feel free to contact us through WeChat/WhatsApp/phone call. We are more than happy to provide professional guidance to you!