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Instructions for Trademark Registration


As an important form of intellectual property rights, a trademark is directly reflected in the products or services in commercial activities. Singapore has a superior business environment and a good business image. More and more Chinese companies choose to register trademarks in Singapore. Applicants must register a trademark in order to receive legal protection through the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS).

Application Criteria

There is no nationality requirement for trademark applications in Singapore. Applicants, whether local or foreign, can apply for trademark registration if the goods or services of the company are in need. The application is optional and completely at the will of the applicant. However, it is important to note that applicants must provide a permanent address in Singapore for contact purposes during the application.

Trademark Registration Procedure

1. Trademark retrieval

2. File trademark applications

3. Enter the review process

4. IPOS public release

5. If there is no objection) the trademark is successfully registered

If necessary, you can add Skyline Business wechat account for consultation: Skyline-Ng

Documents Required

① A statement/declaration requiring the registration of a trademark

② The name and address of the applicant

3. Clear logo. If the logo is a three-dimensional map, the outline map should clearly show all dimensions

④ List all the goods and services related to the registered trademark

⑤ A statement/declaration of the intended use of the mark

Skyline Business Consulting engaged in trademark registration in Singapore for many years and provides one-stop service from trademark search, trademark design, trademark application, and so on. You can call +65 65340985 or WeChat: Skyline-Ng for a free consultation!