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The World's First Trademark Registration App was released

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) announced the launch of the world's first trademark registration mobile App, IPOS Go on 21 August 2022.

How Good is the APP?

1. The world's first trademark registration mobile App IPOS Go, NO.1!

2. Trademark application can be completed in 10 minutes by using this App, whereas before, it took about 1 hour, which greatly improves efficiency.

The App also uses artificial intelligence to search for similar trademarks on the Ipos register, stopping applicants from filing for trademarks that are too similar to existing ones.

How to Register a Trademark in Singapore?

Part 1: Registration Criteria

  • There is no nationality requirement for trademark applications in Singapore. Both local and foreign nationals can apply if the company's goods or services are needed.

  • The application is optional and solely at the applicant's will.

  • However, it is important to note that applicants must provide a permanent address in Singapore for contact purposes during the application.

Part 2: Types and Forms of Registration

  • Singapore has a trademark registration classification according to the ICGS under the Nice Agreement, which includes 34 classes of goods and 11 classes of services. For details, may refer to IPOS official website.

  • The applicant may apply for a certain category of goods or several categories together based on the company's business content and the trademark/service category it wishes to protect. For example, if Company A's business covers business management and medical services, both categories need to be registered at the same time. However, it is important to note that the trademark must be separate from similar goods or services from other merchants.

  • The following forms may be registered as trademarks: letters, words, names, signatures, labels, patterns, coupons, shapes, colors, and any combination of the above elements.

Part 3: Documents Required

Although the trademark application is not mandatory, once it is applied it must follow IPOS regulations strictly. In Singapore, trademark application requires the following information:

  1. Name and address of the applicant

  2. Clear logo drawings. If the logo is three-dimensional, the outline drawings should clearly show all dimensions

  3. List all goods and services associated with the registered trademark

  4. A statement/declaration of the intended use of the mark.

Part 4: Application Fees

  1. $240 per goods/services category

(Apply online, using only pre-approved descriptions of goods/services in the database), or

  1. $341 per goods/services category

(Apply online and include descriptions of goods/services not pre-approved in the database), or

  1. $374 per product/Service category (by manual application)

Part 5: Registration Process

  1. Procedure: According to IPOS, there are two ways to register a trademark in Singapore –

  1. Submit the application through IP2SG online platform and pay the application fee;

  2. Download the application form and send the completed form to IPOS.

     2. Steps: Generally speaking, it takes 9 months to apply for a trademark in Singapore, excluding the time spent preparing relevant materials in the early stage. See the following figure for specific application steps during this period:

Kindly add Skyline Business WeChat account for trademark consultation: Skyline-Ng

Skyline Business Consulting engaged in trademark registration in Singapore for many years and provides a one-stop service for trademark search, trademark design, trademark application, and so on. If you have any questions related to trademark registration in Singapore, feel free to get a free consultation from Skyline Business Consulting if you have any relevant questions.