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What Should I Do if I Lose My Singapore ID?

Foreigners in Singapore, whether holding a work permit or PR ID card, should keep it well. Of course, if you lose it, don't worry, there are solutions available.

What Should I Do if I lose My Work Pass in Singapore or China?

1. If you lose your work pass in Singapore and it is stolen, you need to first report it to the police station and submit an application for a replacement work pass through the company representative to the MOM EP Online (EPOL) or WP Online (WPOL) within 7 days.

2. If you lose your work pass in China, you need to first report it to the local public security organ and obtain a certificate of loss; Bring these documents, photos taken within three months, passport, and ID card to the Singapore consulate to apply for a tourist visa for entry. After returning to Singapore, first go to the police station to report the loss of your work pass in China and obtain proof materials. Then, submit an application for a replacement work pass to the MOM EP Online (EPOL) or WP Online (WPOL) through the company representative.

Cost: First reissue of $100 SGD, then $300 SGD (card can be redeemed four working days after submitting the reissue application).

What Should I Do if I Lose My PR ID card in Singapore or China?

If you lose your PR ID in Singapore, you need to bring a photo from the past three months, passport, and REP directly to the ICA within 14 days to apply for a replacement PR ID.

If you lose your PR ID card in China, you need to first report it to the local public security organ and obtain a certificate of loss; Enter Singapore with REP (which can be printed after logging in on the ICA official website). After returning to Singapore, bring the proof of loss issued in China, a photo taken within three months, passport, and REP directly to the ICA to apply for a PR ID.

Cost: $100 SGD for the first application (processing time of 1 month), and $300 SGD thereafter (processing time of 3 months).

Established in 2011 and officially registered with the Ministry of Manpower, Singapore Skyline Business is your trusted partner for work pass and PR applications. Our experienced team specializes in EntrePass, S Pass (SP), Work Permit (WP), self-employed EP, and Dependant Pass (DP)/Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP) applications. For expert assistance, feel free to contact us via WeChat (WeChat ID: sissi-skyline) or WhatsApp us at +65-91328885.